Ievgen Belobrov
Product owner of SMART HCM & LMS in SMART business
Ievgen Belobrov
Product owner of SMART HCM & LMS in SMART business

13 years of experience in managing projects to implement HRM and CRM systems in the retail, banking and insurance industries, B2B sales and IT services.Trainer and adept of Microsoft services, modern HR solutions and AI technologies.


The role of HR tech. How does digital transformation change team collaboration?
  • 11:35 - 12:05
  • 30 min

1. The Evolving Role of HR - From service to strategic function.
2. Day-to-day HR tools to drive your teams cooperation: HRIS, ATS, Performance management, LMS systems.
3. Three components of successful HR strategy: employee engagement, retention, and satisfaction. How digital transformation through HR tech can improve employee's experience.
4. Measuring Success: Explain how to measure the success of HR tech implementations in team collaboration.
5. How digital tools help to motivate employees to change remote work to the office.

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